Boring Stuff

Executive Branch

Bill of Rights
Basic Rights and Participation
Amendment Process
Federal Government
Bills come to Law
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch

This page will discuss the role of the Executive Branch, and the role of the president.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Executive Branch:
-carry out the nation's laws (passed by congress)
-commander in chief (controls army)
-controls business with other countries
5 roles of the President:
1. chief executive- responsible for carrying out the nation's laws
2. chief diplmat-  directs forein policy, appoints ambassadors, and negotiates treaties with other nations.
3. commander in chief- can use the military to intervine in crisis at home or around the world, can snd troops to other parts of the world for 60 days, may use military to control serious disorders in the nation.
4. chief of state- serves a symbolic role as the representative of all Americans. (the president fufills this role when receiving foreign ambassadors or heads of state, visiting foreign nations, or bestowing honors on Americans.)
5. legislative leader- proposes laws to Congress and works for their passage, presents goals for legislation.
President's Cabinet and it's Roles:
The executive branch includes executive departments, each responsible for a different area of government.
The president's cabinet is a group that helps the president make decisions and set government policy.


Our president George W. Bush

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